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[Notice] Launch of PharmEdaily Premium English News Service
  • 등록 2025-03-04 오전 8:28:27
  • 수정 2025-03-04 오전 8:28:27
PharmEdaily English news service.
[Song Young-doo, Edaily Reporter] Edaily’s premium bio-content service, PharmEdaily, officially launches its paid English news service on March 3.

PharmEdaily focuses on providing in-depth, exclusive content by analyzing promising pharmaceutical and biotech companies for investors.

In particular, the service prioritizes coverage of key topics investors need, including the potential for new drug development by South Korean pharmaceutical and biotech firms, commercialization prospects, global competition, and drug technology exports.

With its English-language news service, PharmEdaily aims to deliver unmatched content backed by expertise and credibility. It serves not only readers in South Korea and around the world but also companies, investment firms, and individual investors.

We appreciate your interest and support.


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